CD of Robert Burns Songs in Estonian
18.00 €
CD has also a leaflet of words. The tunes are sung as ballads and create a very special atmosphere.
Take a look at and listen to the music video (teaser) 
Media presentation from the cd launch concert in Haapsalu.
Look at the pictures at the launch concert.
Ilona Aasvere – song
Marko Matvere – song
Peeter Rebane – guitar, ukulele, bass
Tiit Kikas – violin, flute, mandolin, parmupill, keyboards
List of songs on the CD:
1. KES ON MU KAMBRIUKSE EES? / Wha Is That At My Bower Door? 1:44
2. SEE KEVAD ME ÕUELE NOORMEHE TÕI / Last May A Braw Wooer 3:45
3. MIKS, KAUNIS DOON / The Banks o’ Doon 5:11
4. HIIRELE / To A Mouse 4:14
5. AEDNIK OMA KABLIGA / The Gard’ner wi’ His Paidle 2:19
6. MU ARM ON NAGU RUSKE ROOS / My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose 3:26
7. SAATANA TANTS AKTSIISIAMETNIKUGA / The Deil’s Awa’ wi’ the Exciseman 2:19
8. JOHN ODRATERA / John Barleycorn 4:14
9. RUKKIVÄLJA TEEL / Comin’ Thro’ the Rye 2:28
10. NII JA NAA / A Man’s a Man for A’ That 4:14
11. ŠOTLASED! / Scots Wha Hae 3:01
12. VIIMNE SUUDLUS / Ae Fond Kiss 4:10